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      Working Drawing

      Home > Technical Service > Working Drawing

      Construction drawing

      1) technical personnel receive the constructiondrawings from market personnels or after-sales systems and related departmentsto design drawing mission, making sure about design source.

      2) to communicate with owners or other designdepartments and collect project information.

      3)to choose equipments based on country’s design andconstruction standards and calculate according to equipments size、distribute protection zone

      4) Features a preliminary design according to thedrawing, sprinkler head, tube is to decorate, etc

      5) after auditing, other collegues would haveprelimilary check.

      6) By the project team leader review technical supportthe deputy manager or manager for review

      7)to have the final check before the director plots

      8)to have fixed title block of the company and design picture chop andthen plot the picture. 



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