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      Engineering Installation

      Home > After-sale Service > Engineering Installation

      Gas fire extinguishing system installation

      Operation standard:

      GB50116-2013 <fire automatic alarmsystem design>

      GB50166-2007 <fire automatic alarmsystem construction and acceptance standard>

      GB50370-2005 <gas fire extinguishingdesign standard>

      GB50263-2007<gas fire extinguishingsystem construction and acceptance standard>

      GB50235-97 <industrial metal pipeline engineering construction and acceptancestandard>

      GB/T8163-2008< Transmission fluid withseamless steel tube>

      Service content

      1. pipe installation and test

      2. equipment installation among cylinders

      3. installation of fire alarming control system


      Securitysystem installation

      Operating standard

      GA/75---94 < safetyprotection engineering system and demand>

      GB50348—2004<security standard engineering technology standard>

      Service content:

      1. pipe installation

      2. monitoring equipment installation

      3. Security center main equipment installation


      Fire alarmingsystem installation


      Operating standard

      GB50116-2013  < fire automatic extinguishing systemdesign standard>

      GB50166-2007  <fire automatic extinguishing systemconstruction and acceptance standard>

      Service content

      1. pipe installation

      2. fire alarming equiment installation

      3. control center installation


      Fire-proofsealing installation

      Operating system:

      CECS154-2003  < Building fire blocking applicationprocedures>

      Service content:

      1. Cable structures in the cable to electric cabinet, tray or openingposition of the control panel, and Tai’s cable through holes in the wall,floor, and work well in the cable pipe hole and fireproof plugging.

      2. Cable shaft with other cable structures connected place, floor boardand the fire-proof sealing of a long cable shaft.

      3. Outdoor terminal box, power box, control box, cable protection tubedepartment of fireproof plugging.

      4. The control room or fire-proof sealing at the entrance of thechannel of distribution device


      Fire extinguishingproject installation

      Operating standard:

      GB 50045-95(2005 version)< The codefor fire protection design of tall buildings>

      GB 50016-2006 <construction design fireextinguishing standard>

      GA95-2007 <fire extinguisher fixing andscrap procedure>

      GB50140-2005 < Code for design ofextinguisher disposition>

      GB50084-2005 <automatic sprinkers’ fireextinguishing design code>

      GB50116-2013<fire extinguishingautomatic alarming system’s design code>

      GB50166-2007<fire extinguishingautomatic alarming system’s design code>

      GB50166-2007 <fire extinguishing automaticalarming system’s construction and acceptance standard>

      Service content

      1. Automatic fire alarm and fire linkage control system installation

      2.  Automatic fire extinguishing system, includingfoam extinguishing fire, gas, such as automatic spray fire extinguishinginstallation

      3.  Indoorand outdoor fire hydrant system installation

      4. Smoke exhaust and ventilation air conditioningsystem installation

      5. Fire door and activity type fire separationfacilities installation;

      6. Fire emergency lighting and evacuationindicating system installation

      7. Fire control communication equipment and fireemergency broadcasting system installation

      8. Fire power supply and distribution systeminstallation

      9.  Firewater system installation

      10. Fire extinguishers installation



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