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      Installation Guidance

      Home > After-sale Service > Installation Guidance

      Operating standard

      GB50116-2013  <fireautomatic alarming system design standard>

      GB50166-2007  <fire automaticalarming system construction and acceptance standard>

      GB50370-2005 <gas fire extinguishing system designstandard>

      GB5063-2007  <gas firesystem construction and acceptance standard>

      GB50235-97 <Industrial metal pipeline engineering construction and acceptancespecification>

      GB/T8163-2008  <seamless steel tubes for liquid service>

      GB25972-2010 <gas fire extinguishing system andcomponents>

      GB/T19666-2005<inflaming and fire-resistent wire cable machine>

      JBT 8743.2-1998 <nomimal voltage electric tension 450-750v andbelow PVC insulated cable wire and cord part 2: fixed wiring with cable wires>

      GBT5023.3-2008 < The rated voltage up to and including 450/750 PVC insulated cables Inpart 3: fixed wiring, sheathed cable>


      Service content


      1.   Arrange theowner, the construction unit, supervision and other relevant personnel toparticipate in the installation guide cib,the conference mainly introduces thecharacteristics of the system used by the project, and civil engineering, highvoltage, FAS, hvac and other professional construction unit consultation systeminterface equipment, check whether construction machines and tools to becomplete, clear system installation of the main technical requirements (productinstallation video) and the specific plans to guide the installation;

      2.   giveexplaination and demonstration to on site installation personnel suppliedequipment, gas transmission pipeline;

      3.   On siteinstallation quality supervision and inspection, records, and feedback tocustomers;

      4.   According tocustomer requirements,to have systematic operation and daily maintenance’straining towards on-site operation staffs、protection zone staffs、 safety management staffs.   



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