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      Landing Guidance

      Home > After-sale Service > Landing Guidance

      Uploading standard process

      Manual carry

      Manual carry(withpackage)should be restricted within 65 kilograms. Considering about other toolsor more people’s assisting carry.

      Manual carry should be basedon the principle of energy-saving and safety.

         Forklit workability

      1. 1. Wear labor protectionarticles.  Operators can operate forklitonly through training and assessment. Forklit is forbidden to pick other staffs.

      2. 2. Before actuation, checkwhether the water、engine oil、 fuel oil、and break oil are in normal situation; whether there isleakage,  deformation、 loose ;   whether the break、light、horn、 tyreand  tyre pressure are normal andreliable.  Check whether  there is  any loose on battery electrodecolumn and  whether there is electricityin battery. Ignoring check can shorten the age of cars, which can result inevents under severe situations.

      3. 3. To wipe the floor, pedals,and of oil, grease or water on a joystick before work

      4. 4. Before the start ofconfirmation: forklift around no one; Before and after reverse lever is inneutral

      5. 5. Before starting,  people secure rear can operate, forklift,adjust seat position, easy to manipulate on the hands and feet. Forklift honkwarning shots after the restart. To start, turn, back should be sound, confirmdirection of safe driving.

      6. 6.Check the engine andassociated components, turn off the engine, especially pay attention to keepdistance and fan, fan belt.

      7. 7. Check the water tank ormuffler, don't get burned. In the regular inspection to ensure that change in"the key safety parts"

      8. 8. If they find the vehicle ,should stop and report to management staffs.

      j If once highmaintenance (such as the door frame, front and rear light, etc.) should payattention to safety, prevent the clamp or slide.

      k If the alarmindicator or other failure occurs, the vehicle should be open to a safe place,checking and troubleshooting.

      l Such as oil leak,water leak, air leak, door’s setting up trouble , vehicles’ running down on theway, etc., shall arrange organized people to make urgent repairs. 

      m Maintenance,repair, pay attention to the hand, head, body may hit a touching the edges andcorners and sharp edges, prevent cut, scrape.

      n Hang"fault" brand to be prompt, fault vehicle maintenance when must hang"someone work, no operation" warning signs, and pull out of the carkeys.

      1. 9. Shall not use open flamecheck fuel oil, electrolyte or cooling water leaks.Check the battery,refueling, or check the fuel system, no smoking, to prevent explosion.When theengine operates,the oil cannot be filled in the oil tank.  The workplace should be configured a fireextinguisher.

      2. 10. Forklift truck operationroad is a solid, smooth concrete pavement or applied to vehicle is similar tothe road. 

      3. 11. Before operation, preheatforklift truck to the water temperature is 70 ℃.After operatingmomentum motivation idle running stalled again in a minute.When the watertemperature higher than 70 ℃, do not open thetank cover.

      4. 12. Forklift to work withinthe enclosed space, should ensure that there is enough air vents.Long timedon't work in enclosed space, because smoke is poisonous

      5. 13. Forklift walk don't geton, get off the bus and other forklift stopped and use a forklift safety pedaland armrest.- 

      6. 14. parking when on theground, pulling the hand brake, banning sat down on a steep hill.If you muststop on the small ramp, you must use wedge cushion under the tires, pallet forkdown to the ground and slightly forward, turn off the engine to remove the key.

      7. 15. Driving forklift truckmust concentrate, the operation should be smooth and accurate.  To avoid abrupt stop,  snap on or steering.  The ground and slightly forward, turn off theengine to remove the key.

      8. 16. Control the speed and tocomply with traffic signs and traffic rules.Access gate, crossing and turningspeed should not exceed 5 km/hour;The workshop driving speed should not exceed5 km/hour;Driving at night, at a distance the uneven pavement easy mistake,should control the speed and braking, safety lighting must be complete.

      9. 17. Pay attention to thedriving direction, maintain good vision.The driver's head, hands, feet shouldnot be out of the driving room.

      10. 18. Don't allow other peopleto sit or stand on the goods fork, pallets, forklift.People are strictlyprohibited under the pallet fork standing or walking..

      11. 19. When driving downhill,engine idle running, at the same time should be on the brake pedal in anintermittent pattern.on the ground and slightly forward, turn off the engine toremove the key.

      12. 20. keeping the standardrunning state, i.e., pallet fork 15 ~ 30 cm from the ground, turning off theengine to remove the key.

      13. 21. Do not be lateraloperation with forklift pallet fork of lateral load rise so as not to fork outof balance. 

      14. 22. Confirm the correct fixedweight and have enough strength to bear forklift through the plat or bridgeplate, check the ground state of work place in advance.

      15. 23. When handling hazardous tothe line of sight of super-long large goods, must reverse driving or guided bythe wizard, guided by the wizard, must really understand its hand, flags,whistle or other signals.Turn or drive on narrow passage must pay fullattention to before and after the end, be aware of other personnel in theoperation of the forklift area

      16. 24. When working in a crowdedplace, you should be careful when driving back and turning around.   Watch shop doors height, fork and otherobstacles, prevent tires slashed after crushed and others.

      17. 25. Focus on two goods forks, ensure goods are in best position, focus on the fork from sharp, drive theuneven road surface needs to be more careful.

      18. 26. Forklift truck operationshould be away from acetylene, oxygen tanks and chemical material, exhaustgases from the muffler has caused the combustion or explosion danger.

      19. 27. Load back downhill,forward when climbing, when no load and load, on the other hand, don't turn onthe ramp, so as to avoid tilting.

      20. 28. Load running, the doorframe should try to reduce the goods height.Bending to avoid tilting.

      21. 29. Avoid slamming on thebrakes or fast downhill, avoiding abrupt stop, snap on or steering, in order toprotect the goods against falling or rollover.Emergency brake.

      22. 30. Forklift truck stopdriving rear can reverse completely.

      23. 31. According to the cargo ofthe shape and material, choose the appropriate tools and tools.Small goods mustuse the tray.

      ①Don't use the rope hung onpallet fork or appurtenance lifting goods, rope may slip, if necessary, letpeople with hoisting operation qualification with a hook or hoist boom.

      ②Do not let the fork hit the road,don't let the cargo load and unload.  Thegoods must be separated with the kerb for 10 cm, so as not to damage thepavement and the kerb.

      ③Do not use people asadditional balance weight.

      1. 32. All kinds of apparels,such as rotating clamps, flat clamp, lateral fork, lifting beam, etc., they canonly be dedicated.If you need a modified fitting, must with the permission ofthe tuned.It is forbidden to own modified fork fittings and goods.

      2. 33. To Prevent the canopyguard plane hit by a high goods.Shelves to keep a stable loading. Head frameand shelves of forklif are not allowed to be used.

      3. 34. It is strictly prohibitedto head, body, and the door frame and between the upper frame.Once the clamp,have life risk.It is strictly prohibited to dig its hand deeper into betweeninside and outside the door frame.

      4. 35. when you pick up the goodsfrom the stacking, the alarm should be warned and the goods should enter intothe area by its front side and the forklit should be inserted into tray andgoods.

      5. 36. Loading of the goods athigh speed, shall ensure that the goods before fork lifting should be fixed andreliable.Paused before lifting goods, sure no obstacle after comeback

      6. 37. Ensuring  goods bale is firm and flat on the two goodsfork, using a single fork lifting goods is prohibited.

      7. 38. Don't lifting goods whenforklift in sloping ground;Avoid the ramp loading and unload operations.

      8. 39. The goods lift cannotexceed the shelves, unavoidable, should be fixed on the goods.when Handlingbulk cargo incompatible with the line of sight, one should reverse driving orguide by the wizard.  Wind speed has animpact on the vehicle, when the wind speed is greater than 5 m/s, it isforbidden to carry large goods, or in danger of tipping.

      9. 40. Before stacking duringdischarge, as far as possible let Angle decreases, and slightly higher than thegoods stacking or low before leaning forward.

      ①On high stacking, in 15 ~ 500px from the ground to the door frame vertical, then ascension, pay attention tothe goods rises, don't let the door frame.

      ②when you pick up the cargogoods from high place.  The fork caninsert into the tray, slowly lift, retreat and then drop, lower back door frameand the goods are in a high never to tilt the door frame.

      1. 41. One should not use thecars with abnormal steering system and damaged braking cars system.   When tracting vehicles, the rope should bestrong enough, the two car lateral should pull on the rope. People should beprevented from entering into and cars should run slowly.   The traction vehicle on the highway to obeythe traffic rules.

      2. 42. When parking pull up handbrake handle, the shift lever in "gap", put down the palletfork.Engine stopped before the idle running 2-3 minutes.The car signs, logo,signs have warning and operating methods.When operating in strict accordancewith the procedures and the car signs, logo, signs of this.

      Cart homework

      Handling of items must beplaced on secure, to avoid the drop. Heavy items should be placed in the lowerpart, to stabilize the handling center of gravity.It should run to avoidoverturned. Large goods transportation should be depend on the corresponding safetymeasures.

      Placethe heavy items under the bottom and run at safe speed.

      In the process of carryingitems, the principle of stacks’ weight should be below 2 meters according totheir characteristics when the goods do not exceed their weights. The weightsof carts cannot exceed 350 kilograms.


      Announcements of uploading

      1. Carriages shouldnot be stained with oil pollutants and acid residues

      2. To checkcontainer valve foam protection when loading, pay attention to protect thecylinder valve in case of the crash. The staffs under cars must stay after thestaffs on the car put the bottles in the right place and then can continue toput the bottles on the ca.   In the samecarriage, two people can not be allowed to put the bottles in the car alone. Thecylinders shall be vertically on the wooden splints and binding, load balance,to prevent movement. The cylinder top should not be more than the carriageblock plate height.

      3. When unloading,wooden packaging and paper packed in wooden cases with forklift to unload.

      4. Don't put thevalve at the personal during the process of uploading, pay attention to preventthe bottle group container valve foam protection froming falling off. Movingcylinders when they are erect,the cylinders are not allowed to be slipped outof hands or past from a person to another, the cylinder must be put on the sideof a stand. 





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