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      IG541 Gas Fire Extinguishing Syste…

      Home > Products > IG541 Gas Fire Extinguishing Syste…

      IG541 Gas Fire Extinguishing System


      Product Overview

      Product introduction:

      IG-541 fire extinguishing system, whichuses mixed gas as suppressants composed of nitrogen gas at 48.8%~53.2%, argon gas at37.2%~42.9% and carbondioxide at 7.6%~8.4%, increase IG-541 concentration to thelevel provided by national design specifications for different kinds offlammables in protective areas within prescribed time, so a…

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      • Introduction
      • Download

      Product introduction:

      IG-541 fire extinguishing system, whichuses mixed gas as suppressants composed of nitrogen gas at 48.8%~53.2%, argon gas at37.2%~42.9% and carbondioxide at 7.6%~8.4%, increase IG-541 concentration to thelevel provided by national design specifications for different kinds offlammables in protective areas within prescribed time, so as to achieve thepurpose of fire extinguishing.

      Performance parameters:


      1.The productfunctions in Schematic Diagram of Driving Gas Cylinders Actuating UnitIndependent System、Schematic Diagram of Master Slave Actuating UnitIndependent System、Schematic Diagram of Driving Gas Cylinders Actuating CombinedDistribution System、Master Slave Actuating Combined Distribution System

      2.Master Slave Actuating uses active cylinders instead of actuation cylinders,thus reduce the intermediate links. The features ofmicro-motor driving device are: big driving force, small starting current, smallsize, and simple but beautiful overall structure.

      3.The distributiondivice structures of combined distribution system is tripping type selector valve and electric control selector valve. When afire breaks out, it can actute the cylinders ofthe corresponding protection zone timely.

      Placesfor Application

      It is applicable tothe following situations: Computer room、library、archival repository、Rooms where precious things are kept、Power transformer room and distributionroom、communication set room、central control room、subway、airport、etc.

      Compilation Basis

      GB25972 Gas Suppression Systems and Components

      Specification andModel

      Specification: 70L, 80Land 90L;

      Mode: QMH15/70-ZHERO, QMH15/80-ZHERO and QMH15/90-ZHERO;

                  QMH15/70-HERO,QMH15/80-HERO and QMH15/90-HERO。

      • Case Introduction



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