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      Electric Pressure Relief Port

      Home > Products > Electric Pressure Relief Port

      Electric Pressure Relief Port


      Product Overview

      Product description:

      Electric pressure relief opening is the system which can ensure the fire-fighting density can meet the requirement of fire-fighting in the protective area effectively.  The gas fire-fighting system has relatively high efficienct of putting off fire, low density of fire-fighting and the qualities of being clean and having no pollution…

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      • Introduction
      • Download

      Product description:

      Electric pressure relief opening is the system which can ensure the fire-fighting density can meet the requirement of fire-fighting in the protective area effectively.  The gas fire-fighting system has relatively high efficienct of putting off fire, low density of fire-fighting and the qualities of being clean and having no pollution.  In order to putting off fire succussfully, gas fire-fighting system in protective areas demands the protective areas being kept in closed condition to ensure the density of extinguishing medium, and guaranteeing the integrity of windons and structures in the protective areas.  But for the present automatic pressure relief of opening, the relief pressure of extinguishing medium is hard to be controlled, which can not ensure the fire-fighting density precisely.  Therefore, the electric pressure relief opening can start and close with fixed value, which can ensure the structure of the rooms and maintain the density of fire-fighting in protective areas.

       Product Performance: 


      Technique characteristics:

      Electric pressure relief opening is installed on the walls or cellings in the protective zones, which is a component of gas fire-fighting system and always in closed condition. When the gas fire-fighting system puts off fire in the protective zones, it can produce the pressure beyond the allowable pressure of buildings in the protective zones(1200Mpa).  At that time, the electric pressure relief opening will open and the high pressure will be relieved, which can protect the protective zones.  It will close automatically if the pressure lowers to 1000Pa(1~1-10%),which can ensure the airtight of protective areas to meet the requirements of fire-fighting.


      From 1st of May in 2006, 2.2.7,  3.2.8,  3.2.9 of GB50370-2005 <design principles of gas fire-fighting system> has ruled clearly: protective areas should set pressure relief opening and the pressure relief opening of HFC—227ea fire-fighting system should be above 2/3 of the clear height in protective areas.  The pressure relief opening set in protective areas should be installed outside of outer walls.  The areas of pressure relief should be calculated according to the corresponding gas fire-fighting design’s rules.

      Operating standards:

      Company standard of Zhejiang cohen thinktank limited cooperation    QB/ZXD 005-2011

      Our company has been checked and admitted by Tianjin Fire Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, national fixed fire extinguishing system and quality supervision center of fire retarding component.

      • Case Introduction



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