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      Marine CO2 Fire Extinguishing Syst…

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      Marine CO2 Fire Extinguishing System


      Product Overview

      Product Description:

      HERO Marine CO2 Fire Extinguishing System uses carbondioxide as its fire extinguishing agent which hasmature technology、lowprice and high efficiency(ODP=0,GWP<1)CO2is the onlyagent among gas fire extinguishing systems which can put out fire on deep-seated places. When extinguishing a fire, CO2 can exclude fire wi…

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      • Introduction
      • Download

      Product Description:

      HERO Marine CO2 Fire Extinguishing System uses carbondioxide as its fire extinguishing agent which hasmature technology、lowprice and high efficiency(ODP=0,GWP<1)CO2is the onlyagent among gas fire extinguishing systems which can put out fire on deep-seated places. When extinguishing a fire, CO2 can exclude fire with oxygen, thus achieve the goal of asphyxia。At the same time, absorb the heat from the fire, and cool the fuel.

      Performance parameters:

      1) This kind of Marine CO2 Fire Extinguishing System is ahigh-pressure System.

      2)Specification: 40L、70L

      3)Model: CDE-2,it means pneumatic control type of marineCO2 Fire Extinguishing System.

      Technical characteristics:

      1)HERO marine CO2 Fire Extinguishing System can be bothused as a total flooding and partial Fire Extinguishing System.

      2)This products can protect inter- cabin , warehouses , paintRespectively throughcomponents like remote release station , three-wayswitching valve and releasing boxes.

      Places for Application

      marine CO2 Fire Extinguishing Systemis wildly used inoffshore platforms, inter- ship engine room , pump room , cargo , oil tanks ,power generation, inter- painting, carpentry , etc.

      The Product is NotApplicable to the Following Situations(GB50193-1999)

      1)Fire of chemical products containing peroxidessuch as nitrocellulose and sodium nitrate, or oxidant;

      2)Fire of activemetals like potassium, sodium, magnesium, titanium, zirconium and uranium;

      3)Fire of metal hydride like potassiumhydride and sodium hydride;

      Compilation Basis

      1)CB/T3294Marine CO2 fire extinguishing system

      2)CCS Rules forClassification of Sea-going Steel Ships


      4)GB50193Code of design for carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system

      5)GB50236Code for installation and acceptance of gas fire-extinguishingsystems

      • Case Introduction



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