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      Corporate News

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      Thinktank fire held“standard excellent behavior enterprise’ Project start-up meeting

      Release time:2015-05-11 Source:Thinktank Browse:1091

            With the development of our enterprise,enterprise’s standardization work has become increasingly important. Standardizationwork behavior is mainly by the enterprise technology standard, managementstandard and work.It is the important guarantee to improve the qualities ofproducts stably; and also a significantmethod to improve the skill level of enterprises. In order to realize thestandardization management for reaching the self-check、checkof management and every work’s improvement. For this, Think Tank fire has begunto formula the plan of standard excellent behavior. 

            On April 17th, Think Tank Fire created "standardizationgood behavior enterprise" project set-up meeting in ‘Sizhong wu’on thethird floor.The assistant director, director, relevant staff andstandardization good behavior consulting teachers attended the meeting together.

            Company director Ms Ma Wenting  from administrative system gave a speech namedas "standardization good behavior enterprise", introducing "standardizationgood behavior enterprise" from the meaning of the standard systemconstruction, standard system structure, system organization structure, worksystem, standard system implementation plan and so on are introduced.And in herspeech, she pointed out: the company is currently in a critical period ofdevelopment, we have to intergrate every kind of management system and take thepath of scientizatio and standardization if we want to ensure the safety ofproduction, lower the running cost, improve management efficiency.  And she puts forward some requirements forthe job: firstly,each department should attach great importance to it, takeresponsibilities and work together;secondly, it is highly coordinated variousdepartments, clear responsibility, vigorously promotes the implementation; thirdly,every staff shoule be familiar with the standardization theory, familiar withthe rules and procedures, effectively promote the create work.

            Finally, standardizationgood behavior and consulting teacher Zhang Lei trained the enterprisestandardization good behavior for everyone, and carried on the discussion and communicationfor the standardized building activity. 



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