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      Corporate News

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      Extensive cultivation and accumulate thickly----- congratulations to the products of Hero Gas extinguishing system for selling billions of dollars !

      Release time:2014-12-01 Source:thinktank Browse:1127

      2014, the 15th anniversary of the establishment of Think Tank fire company, onedestined to carry the harvest season and hope.  We have just finished the 15th anniversarycelebration at the same time , we have harvested a piece of exciting news : Upto October 2014 , Hero gas fire extinguishing system for the first time has  realized annual sales of billions of dollars !

      In2002 , Think Tank Fire factory began to construct in 2003 , the first set ofHero gas extinguishing systems , from a few million a year , to 34 million , tomore than eighty million last year to this October, sales had successfullybillion marked , ahead of the annual sales target . Such a rapid development hasmade every member of Think Tank company is immersed in the joy of theatmosphere.

      Thispast fifteen years, with the support of various partners , the sales of brandedproducts Hero gas extinguishing systems has shown rapid development, especiallyin this year , good news on sales keep spreading constantly ! Our company notonly has been listed on China Mobile’s fire extinguishing gas products of 2013( no pipe network ranks first row , column pipe ranks sixth ) , China TelecomCorporation Limited Zhejiang Branch Fire Products Central Purchasing Project (contract amount : 13.0355 million yuan ) ; still Wuhan Metro Line Phase IIproject ( contract amount of 4.5228 million yuan ) , Hangzhou Metro Line 4project ( contract amount of 12.9388 million yuan ) , the Shenzhen Metro Line 9and Line 11 ( contract amount : 18,246,100 yuan ) , as well as one of GuangzhouMetro Line 9 , the 14th line , Knowledge City branch ( contract Amount:11,123,500 yuan ) and other large projects successfully won the bid ! It is thiskind of accumulation step by step that allows the company to achieve rapidgrowth in product sales.

      The billion mark of product sales , perhapsnothing for large companies , but for the development of a professional gasextinguishing systems manufacturers in developing stage, is still a very rareachievement ! This indicates that the Hero branded gas extinguishing systemproducts’ coverage in the domestic gas fire extinguishing system within theindustry has been in the forefront.

      Fire sales is only one stage in theindustrial chain of Think Tank company, it 's rapid development has broughtgreater confidence to the development of enterprise.   Also ,it has a lasting impetus to the development of other sectors ! We will takethis as a new starting point to develop engineering, installation, maintenance, testing and other services after products sales , and constantly improveservice and service levels. We will devote ourselves to make “Think Tank"and "Hero " be the leading brands in the field of the gas fireextinguishing system!



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