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      Join in Cooperation

      Home > Marketing Center > Join in Cooperation

      Join Process




      1. Learn toknow our brand—Hero and industry prospects through media.


      2. PreliminaryCommunication between our regional manager, and schedulean appointment.


      Mutual Visits:


      1.Visit ourcompany for an inspection of projects and technology, come to aninitial agreement.


      2.Our regional manager reviewsagents’specific conditions.


      3.Approval byour regional manager and director of marketing.




      1.Formal business cooperation betweenagents and our Regional manager.


      2.Signe an agreementand definitude cooperationmodel, respectiverights and obligations.


      Sincerely cooperation:


      1.Training of brand featuresand channeldevelopment from our company.


      2.Comprehensive service for agents in pre-, mid-and after-sale.


      Hotline: 4008 501 119




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