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      cylinder inspection

      Home > After-sale Service > cylinder inspection

      Implementation standards

      Fire Law of the People's Republic of China

      The law of the People's Republic of China on safety in production

      Law of the People's Republic of China on the safety of special equipment

      Forty-sixth regulations of the State Administration of quality supervision, inspection and supervision of the safety supervision of gas cylinders

      GB50263-2007 code for construction and acceptance of gas fire extinguishing systems

      TSG R0006-2014 code for safety technical supervision of gas cylinders

      TSG RF001-2009 code for safety supervision of gas tank attachments

      GB13075-2016 periodic inspection and evaluation of welded steel cylinders

      GB13004-2016 periodic inspection and evaluation of seamless steel cylinders

      GB5100-2011 "welded steel cylinders"

      GB5099-2011 "seamless steel cylinders"

      TSGZ7001-2004 rules for the examination and approval of special equipment inspection and approval institutions

      TSGZ7003-2004 requirements for quality management system of special equipment inspection and inspection institution

      GB7144-2016 color markings for cylinders

      GB8336-2011 cylinder gauges for special purposes

      GB8335-2011 cylinder thread

      GB12135-1999 technical specifications for gas cylinders regular inspection stations

      GB/T9251-2011 cylinder pressure test method

      GB12137-2015 "test method for tightness of gas cylinders"

      GB16804-2011 "cylinder warning label"

      Fusible alloy plug device GB8337-2011 "cylinder"

      GB/T13005-2011 terminology of gas cylinders

      NB/T47013-2015 nondestructive testing of pressure equipment

      Cylinder inspection service content

      The gas fire extinguishing system of seamless steel cylinders, welded steel cylinders for on-site dismantling, depot detection (visual inspection, sound check, check, check, the internal threads of the bottle mouth weight and volume determination of water pressure test, water pressure test, air tightness test, chemical sampling inspection, on-site installation service recovery)

      Cylinder inspection procedure

      Business orders, contract review, contract engineering department to accept and distribute task disassemble cylinders depot detection cylinder cylinder testing report issued by the - cylinder recovery installation - payment - Test Report - cylinder testing task end service



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