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      Party Branch

      Home > About Us > Party-mass Construction > Party Branch

      The company has founded the party branch of Zhejiang Think Tank Cohen fire Industrial , currently has a total Party of 13 people . Branch committee has branch secretary , organizing committee , publicity committee , discipline committee. Company branch adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of " Three Represents" as guidance to the scientific development concept , closely around the company's production operations and the reform and development of the work center , and always adhere to the "service enterprises, service the grassroots.  It is aim to enhance the overall quality of staff as the goal to consolidate the party 's grassroots organizations , to carry out a variety of colorful theme activities , strengthen the Party 's cohesion and combat effectiveness , stimulus Party’s creativity , to explore the work of the Party under the new situation and methods to create " vibrant , energetic, full of innovation , passion ," the dynamic team, play in building excellence, harmonious enterprise party organizations .



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